Friday, July 18, 2008

Blogging about BioBlitz

LCFPD's first foray into live blogging has been a great lot of fun. I thought I'd poke around on Technorati a bit to see whether others had written about the Middlefork Savanna BioBlitz on their blogs. Here is what turned up:

Encyclopedia of Life (Alta Buden): Illinois BioBlitz
Celestial Ramblings: So what do scientists do for fun on a Friday night?, What is BioBlitz, anyway?
Gossamer Tapestry (Doug Taron): Off to BioBlitz, Week from hell

Thursday, July 3, 2008

BioBlitz article in Pioneer Press

Big bug collection at Middlefork Savanna
July 3, 2008


The circus style white tent glowed eerily on the blackened soccer field adjacent to Middlefork Savanna near midnight Friday.

Inside, taxonomists huddled around microscopes trying to determine what exactly it was they collected during a biodiversity blitz at Middlefork Savanna some eight hours earlier. [ rest of article » ]

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Official count tops 1,000

Data submitted since the end of the event has brought the species inventory at Middlefork Savanna up to 1,054 species - and still growing.

Data continues to trickle in as participating taxonomists finish sorting and keying things out.